Locals Certificated Birdwatchers
Birding Tours From Punta Cana - Punta Cana Birdwatching
If you are planning to visit Punta Cana, at same time meet a local birdwatcher to show you the endemics or any birds in your checklist, you are visiting the right place. Misael Calcano with more than 15 years birding , working as a volunteer with different biologist and NGO's. Please feel free to Contact him here: Misael.calcano.silven@gmail.com or whatsapp +1809-720-6035. Some Privates trips that you can do From Punta cana or starting from the place if you have a car are here:
Hike + Kayak Los Haitises
Samana Birdwatching Tours
Birdwatching Samana - Birding Samana Peninsula
Even there is a lot of forest in Samana Peninsula, most of the Forest is a Open coconut forest with a really bad understory and not many birds around. The only two good places for birding in Samana are Los Haitises National Park and El Limon Waterfalls. If you are interest in offers about this area please contact us.
Birdwatching Tours
Cano Hondo Birdwatching - Birding Cano Hondo
Starting from Cano Hondo Hotel or Sabana de la mar there are many opportunity to see around 20 endemics.
2 Hours Kayak Los Haitises